Saying Yes!

Hello friends!

Thank you for being here.

Where do I start? The last 4 weeks have been so uplifting.

There are so many things about life that are challenging, no secret about that; but there are many more that are exciting, engaging and life changing in big, positive ways.

In July we presented the director of the George Culver Community Library with 3 new Janome sewing machines. It is a practice I started in 2015 with proceeds from my art workshops. It is what I hope, a tool for the community to use and learn from. I know they will be in good hands!

Maybe it’s my joy for life that gives me what seems like unending energy or maybe it is the definite promise of winters in Wisconsin that propels me to grab on to this beautiful outdoor life and bask in it’s chaotic perfection! We managed to participate in 2 different garden tours, June 11 and July 30th. The latter was a fundraiser for the Sauk County Master Gardener Association.

I’m now the proud steward of a volunteer garden in downtown Baraboo, passed down to me with awesome perennial plantings already in place. I took the job seriously and managed to plant additional pollinator plants after the 4th of July. I was there almost every evening after work to clean and upkeep it, in addition to the other space on 5th ave that I planted and keep since 2014! I love it and look forward to more years collecting rain water and taking it downtown, to these beautiful community spaces. More than anything, bringing beauty to my community as well as teaching my child about the importance to give back, is a true honor. My partner is the person that helps me transport the garden waste, so it is truly a family endeavor for which I’m grateful and joyful for.

Saying YES can open up opportunities you never fathomed, whether it is Yes to a workshop, lecturing at a quilt show, a gathering or a new work adventure.

Last week it took us to Milwaukee for a Spanish TV interview with Telemundo Wisconsin for their “Que Pasa” segment to represent Wisconsin Craft and promote the Morning Glory Art Fair that took place August 13-14 at Fiserb Forum. It is an annual event in Milwaukee that brings talented artists working in varied mediums, from the entire US.

We took advantage of this opportunity by finally visiting the Domes (great indoor gardens) in Milwaukee. A bucket list item for a long time. I wanted to share this with my family but never found the time until last week before interview. We found fairies to add to our gardens at home. One of the Domes was decked out in fairy homes to delight visitors.

I got home Wednesday evening and finally unveiled the new Janome sewing machine that arrived from Janome America Inc., as part of my participation in their Artisan Team. I can’t wait to start sharing projects, sewn and/or quilted using this machine. It is truly a work horse sporting straight-stitching only. That will require some getting used to.

Also last Thursday evening, I was honored to present virtually to the Madison Modern Guild my current sew-along samples. It was a true joy to see so many familiar faces. Many thanks to Dustin for contacting me and the guild for being so gracious. Some of the samples are quite large and it would have been difficult to maneuver without a videographer (my partner) and/or my child helping me to hold up the pieces! I’m grateful for their willingness to assist.

An unexpected invite to attend the Latino chamber of Commerce Gala after work on Saturday came at the perfect time, last minute! I said yes!

This chamber assists a widely diverse number of businesses. It was a great evening at the Monona Terrace in Madison with a well attended and super entertaining event. There are many collaborations already taking place between Chambers of Commerce throughout Wisconsin, focusing on helping small businesses through a difficult economic time. I was reminded of how crucial networking is to the health and prosperity of our communities.

The Baraboo Chamber of Commerce is also doing great things.

Sunday found our family back to nature, quiet and restful. It felt like an autumn day in the middle of August, but the rain made sense to us.

We picked blackberries that the rain had no spoiled and cleaned the rock garden my young lady and I built in 2018.

Nature is always grounding and the perfect companion through it all.

If you read till the end, thank you! I truly appreciate having this time to share with you.

Maybe you are inspired, maybe I made you tired, but please know, that life has so much to offer and we were made to help others along the way.




I love Art & Life and strive to live creatively and in harmony with the natural environment.